Metric - Who Would You Be For Me Text

Songtext zu Who Would You Be For Me

Coming on ever so strong
Coming off ever so weak
Coming off ever so wrong
Hold me in your arms
Hold me in your mind
Still as the night

Coming up ever so fast
Burning off whiskey and weed
Coming off ever so deep
Rhyming every line
Ranting rapid-fire
Scripting the night

We met on the sixth of June
On the southbound subway
You said, what now?
The heat's absurd
The rest went unheard
And you already knew my name
I sang for you the softest tune
On the sixth of June
In the park at 10th and a
How's it go, now?
The saddest tunе
On the sixth of June
In the park at 10th and a

Growing up еver so slow
Come of age ever so late
Planning my quiet escape
Trying to disappear

One day at a time
Leaving no sign

Putting off getting in line
Putting off knowing my place
Coming off ever so crazed
Ways of stopping time
Driving my willpower
Still as the night

We met on the sixth of June
When I served you attitude
And sometimes I'd serve you coffee, too
With the overnight crew
Before they closed that café
I sang for you the softest tune
On the sixth of June
In the park at 10th and a
How's it go, now?
The saddest tune
On the sixth of June
In the park at 10th and a

This city's been mean to you lately
But when will you ever leave
I could be the girl for you
But who would you be for me
Be for me

Metric - Who Would You Be For Me Songtext

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Album: Formentera II (2023)

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