Joy Crookes - Feet Don't Fail Me Now Text

Songtext zu Feet Don't Fail Me Now

I've been posing mirror skies
Retweeting picket signs
Put my name on petitions, but I won't change my mind
I'm keeping up appearances
The dark side of my privilege

Damn, thank God I've got my vice
The dopamine to wishing will keep me wrong from right
But I don't like when my bitter side takes hold of me
I didn't want you to know

Man, I guess I was scared
Feet, don't fail me now

I got to stand my ground
And though I'm down for trying, I am better in denial
So I hush, don't make a sound
Feet, don't fail me now
I got to stand my ground
And though I'm down for trying, I am better in denial

I, I cry like crocodile
Then drink opinions out
I've always got an answer, the sun shines on my mind
There ain't a rule I'd wanna break (there ain't a rule
I'd wanna break)
I'd rather kill than show my face

Man, I guess I was scared
Feet, don't fail me now
I got to stand my ground
And though I'm down for trying, I am better in denial
So I hush, don't make a sound
Feet, don't fail me now (feet, don't fail me now)

I got to stand my ground (gotta stand my ground)
And though I was down for trying

I was scared, but no blame's worth buying
Am I better hiding?
Why? Oh, why?
Didn't I try?

I was scared
Feet, don't fail me now
I got to stand my ground (gotta stand my ground)
And though I'm down for trying, I am better in denial
So I hush, don't make a sound
Feet, don't fail me now
I got to stand my ground, my ground
And though I'm down for trying

My feet, don't fail me now

Joy Crookes - Feet Don't Fail Me Now Songtext

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