Joy Crookes - 19th Floor Text

Songtext zu 19th Floor

Nineteenth floor

[Verse 1]
Headed back to where I started
Past the fireflies of Rizla burning bright
Lost the tower where my heart is
Cinema skylines that I don't recognise
Strip the life out of these streets
It's a daylight robbery
You'll never take the London out of me


I was raised by the river, nineteenth floor
We never got this high before
We were lost so long, look how far we've come
Down by the river, I remember where I belong
Ooh, I remember where I belong

[Verse 2]
Nothing same but nothing different
Hear the people cry concrete lullabies
I never thought I'd say I miss it
See it speaking when I walk
Don't test the waters

I was raised by the river, nineteenth floor
We never got this high before
We were lost so long, look how far we've come
Down by the river, I remember where I belong


Bopping down Walworth Road, bubblegum blow
Sliders and Sunday clothes
Doing like my Nani, 70s steez
Cardamom stain my teeth
I see the things you've seen
But you don't speak, you leave the traces
Like I picked up a parcel handed down through generations

Raised by the river, nineteenth floor
We never got this high before
We were lost so long, look how far we've come
Down by the river, I remember where I belong
Ooh, I remember where I belong
Ooh, I remember where I belong

Joy Crookes - 19th Floor Songtext

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