Joy Crookes - Anyone But Me Text

Songtext zu Anyone But Me

Love me or leave me and let me be lonely
Inside my head, there's a voice that controls me
I'd rather be somewhere else with anyone but me
Oh, love me or leave me and let me be lonely
Been down so long now that happy is holy
I'd rather be somewhere else with anyone but me

[Verse 1]
Seven years strong with my therapy
Making mosaics of my memories
Puzzled with doubt, I'm my closest enemy
It's like this girl is squatting in my identity

She's a raver, a likkle libertine (Ay)
Then a bouncer to my dopamine
Tried so hard to become a referee
To even out the game that's between my mind and me

Love me or leave me and let me be lonely
Inside my head, there's a voice that controls me
I'd rather be somewhere else with anyone but me
Ooh, love me or leave me and let me be lonely
Been down so long now that happy is holy
I'd rather be somewhere else with anyone but me
Anyone but me (Mmm), anyone but me (Uh)

[Verse 2]
She's dependent, she's my man and wife
Peckham preacher, giving bad advice
She just does the spending and then I pay the price
Tryna be Kelis but she always trick me twice
God I know I could do better (I could do better)

Baby, we're no good together (Together, together)
You are you, I am I
Now you gotta go by

Love me or leave me and let me be lonely
Inside my head, there's a voice that controls me
I'd rather be somewhere else with anyone but me
Ooh, love me or leave me and let me be lonely (Let me be lonely)
Been down so long now that happy is holy
I'd rather be somewhere else with anyone but me

Anyone but me, anyone but me
Anyone but me, anyone but
Anyone but me
(God I know I could do better)
Anyone but me
(Baby, we're no good together)
Anyone but me
(You are you, I am I)
Anyone but me
(Now you gotta go by)

Love me or leave me and let me be lonely
Inside my head, a voice that controls me
I'd rather be somewhere else with anyone but me

Joy Crookes - Anyone But Me Songtext

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