Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Warrior of the Mind Text

Songtext zu Warrior of the Mind

Have you forgotten the lessons I taught you?


Have you forgotten to turn off your heart, this is not you
I see you changing from how I've designed you
Have you forgotten your purpose? Let me remind you:
Goddess of wisdom, master of war
My life has one mission, create the greatest warrior

I had a challenge, a test of skill
A magic boar only the best could kill
One day a boy came for the thrill
A boy whose mind rivalled the boar's own will

Let's go!

Maybe one day he'll follow me and wе'll make a greater tomorrow, thеn they'll see
I know he'll change the world cause he is a warrior of the mind
Maybe one day I'll reach him
And we can build his skills as I teach him
If there's a problem, he'll have the answer
He is a warrior of the mind

Show yourself
I know you're watching me, show yourself
I can see you

How can you see through my spell?

[ODYSSEUS, spoken]
Haha! I was lying and you fell for my bluff

Well done, you lied to me, what's your name?

You first, and maybe I'll do the same

Nice try, but two can play this game

Nah, don't be modest
I know you're a goddess
So let's be honest

You are Athena Athena
Badass in the arena
Unmatched, witty, and queen of the best strategies we've seen

If you're looking for a mentor, I'll make sure your time's well spent

Sounds like a plan
Goddess and man
Bestest of friends

We'll see where it ends


Maybe one day they'll follow me and we'll

Make a greater tomorrow, then they'll see
I know we'll change the world cause we are the warriors of the mind
Maybe one day we'll reach them
And we can build their skills as we teach them
If there's a problem, we'll have the answer
We are the warriors of the mind

I still intend to make sure you don't fall behind
Don't forget that you're a warrior of a very special kind
You are a warrior of the mind
Don't disappoint me

Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Warrior of the Mind Songtext

zu Warrior of the Mind von Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Warrior of the Mind Lyrics Teagan Earley & EPIC Ensemble & Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Warrior of the Mind Text Warrior of the Mind Jorge Rivera-Herrans Warrior of the Mind Liedtext
Jorge Rivera-Herrans Warrior of the Mind Letra de Warrior of the Mind com Jorge Rivera-Herrans Jorge Rivera-Herrans feat. Teagan Earley & EPIC Ensemble - Warrior of the Mind tekst
Album: EPIC: The Musical

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