Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Survive Text

Songtext zu Survive

My brothers
The rest of our fleet
They wait at the beach
And if we're defeated, they're good as dead
Straight ahead, that is who we're fighting

No backup, no chance for support
So draw out your swords
Our foe must be thwarted right here and now
Show me how great is your will to survive
Six hundred lives at stake
It's just one life to take

And when we kill him then our journey's over
No dying on me now
Defeat is not allowed
We must live through this day so
Fight, fight, fight

Surround him, surround him
Attack from behind, keep distance in mind
And stay in his blindspot and strike his heels, strike the heels
Show him that we're deadly

Exhaust him, exhaust him
Don't let him get close, he's strong but he's slow
He can't land a blow if we're out of reach
Find a breach
Stand up and fight for your lives

Six hundred lives at stake
It's just one life to take

And when we kill him then our journey's over
Push forward
No dying on us now
Defeat is not allowed
We must live through this day so
Fight, fight, fight



He's got a club…
He's got a club!

What are our orders?
Captain? Captain!

You've hurt me enough
Six hundred lives I'll take
Six hundred lives I'll break
And when I kill you then my pain is over
You're dying here and now
Escape is not allowed
You won't live through this day now die

Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Survive Songtext

zu Survive von Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Survive Lyrics Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Survive Lied Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Survive Text Survive Jorge Rivera-Herrans Survive Liedtext
Jorge Rivera-Herrans Survive Letra de Survive com Jorge Rivera-Herrans

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