Jethro Tull - Wondr'ing Aloud TEXT

Wondr'ing Aloud
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Songtext zu Wondr'ing Aloud

[Verse 1]
Wond'ring aloud --
How we feel today
Last night sipped the sunset --
My hand in her hair
We are our own saviours
As we start both our hearts beating life
Into each other

[Verse 2]
Wond'ring aloud --
Will the years treat us well
As she floats in the kitchen
I'm tasting the smell, yeah

Of toast as the butter runs
Then she comes, spilling crumbs on the bed
And I shake my head

And it's only the giving
That makes you what you are

Jethro Tull - Wondr'ing Aloud Songtext

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Album: Aqualung (1971)

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