Jeff Satur - Why Don't You Stay (English Ver.) Text

Songtext zu Why Don't You Stay (English Ver.)

All this time I sink, drowning like a stone
Tryna close my eyes, shut my ears on this throne
Losing my way home, then you came along
Everywhere we are, felt like where I belong

Lost in your eyes there was no place I could hide
Take me inside and let me live in your mind
No pain tonight, this place is reserved for only you and I

'Cause I wanna stay on your side
Even if the world come crashing down tonight, we'll be fine
Hold me close and we'll just leave it all behind
Why don't you stay

These bruises and wounds fractures on my bones
Tryna fix it all but I failed all alone
But just to be with you, just you lying close
I can see the scars fade away on their own

Lost in your eyes, there was no place I could hide
Take me inside and let me live in your mind
No pain tonight, this place is reserved for only you and I

'Cause I wanna stay on your side
Even if the world come crashing down tonight, we'll be fine
Hold me close and we'll just leave it all behind
Why don't you stay

(Stay, stay) I just wanna stay here, let's just stay right here
(Stay, stay) I will be okay, we can live forever in each others eyes
(Stay, stay) I just wanna stay here , let’s just stay right here
(Stay, stay) I will be okay , we can live forever in each others eyes
We can live forever, why don't we just stay, stay

Jeff Satur - Why Don't You Stay (English Ver.) Songtext

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