Jeff Satur - Fade (English Ver.) Text

Songtext zu Fade (English Ver.)

Forever feels like this
I can't forget I still feel your kiss
What you said, what you wore, where I was
When you walked out the door
Don't even know my own lies
Said I'm okay but still I cry
And I try and I try to hold on like it won't end

So tonight, I might just dream of you
Every song I hear gives me the blues
I see rain but maybe they're all tears for you

Can you please just fade away, away?

So this pain can stay away always?
My heart is a little slow
You're unforgettable, I can't let go

Can you please just fade away, away?
So this pain can stay away always?
But crying but my eyes
Both have not been dry for days
Without you, I'll never be okay

Forever feels like this
Like a broken watch, I can't fix
From the moon to the sun
Yeah, I'm missing your love and lips

If I had just one wish
To hold you close just like we did
If I can't, I'd be missed my last chance
I would rather not live

So tonight, I might just dream of you
Every song I hear gives me the blues
I see rain but maybe they're all tears for you

Can you please just fade away, away?
So this pain can stay away always?
My heart is a little slow
You're unforgettable, I can't let go

Can you please just fade away, away?
So this pain can stay away always?
But crying but my eyes
Both have not been dry for days
Without you, I'll never be okay

I'll never seen before, want you to fade away
But in my mind was so hard that you never not stay

Can you please just fade away, away?
So this pain can stay away always?
But crying but my eyes

Both have not been dry for days
Without you, I'll never be okay

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Without you, I'll never be okay

Jeff Satur - Fade (English Ver.) Songtext

zu Fade (English Ver.) von Jeff Satur - Fade (English Ver.) Lyrics Jeff Satur - Fade (English Ver.) Text Fade (English Ver.) Jeff Satur Fade (English Ver.) Liedtext
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