James Blunt - Saving a Life Text

Songtext zu Saving a Life

I was in a lifeboat, but you wouldn't get in
I threw you a lifeline, but you wanted to swim
Oh, you wanted to swim
I was in a lifeboat, you were lost in the waves
Hard to understand why you don't wanna be saved
No, you don't wanna be saved

Don't you know there's sharks out there?
I'm not afraid to say I'm scared
No matter how hard I row, you're drifting away
You just keeping swimming

Why won't you give me a sign?

Let me throw you a rope
I'm not saving a soul, I'm just saving a life
But you just keep swimming
Why don't you wanna survive?
Are you all out of hope?
I'm not saving a soul, I'm just saving a life
But you just keep swimming

I was in a lifeboat, you were out in the deep
I wanted to help, but there's an ocеan between
Oh, there's an ocеan between

Don't you know there's sharks out there?
I'm not afraid to say I'm scared
No matter how hard I row, you're drifting away
You just keep swimming

Why won't you give me a sign?
Let me throw you a rope
I'm not saving a soul, I'm just saving a life

But you just keep swimming
Why don't you wanna survive?
Are you all out of hope?
I'm not saving a soul, I'm just saving a life
But you just keep swimming

I turned on the lights and sent up a flare
I searched through the night, you're no longer there
I'm saving a life, I'm saving a life
I'm saving a life, but you don't care
I turned on the lights and sent up a flare (Why won't you give me a sign?)
I searched through the night, you're no longer there (Let me throw you a rope)
I'm saving a life, I'm saving a life (I'm not saving a soul, I'm just saving a life)
I'm saving a life, but you don't care (But you just keep swimming)

James Blunt - Saving a Life Songtext

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