James Blunt - Heart to Heart TEXT

Heart to Heart
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Songtext zu Heart to Heart

There are times when I don't know where I stand (Woah sometimes!)
You make me feel like I'm a boy and not a man (Woah sometimes!)
There are times when you don't give me a smile (Woah sometimes!)
I'll lie awake at night and worry for a while (Woah, woah!)

It's ok, 'cause I know
You shine even on a rainy day
And I can find your halo
Guides me to wherever you fall
If you need a hand to hold
I'll come running, because
You and I won't part till we die
You should know

We see eye to eye, heart to heart

There are times when I cry, 'cause you she'd no tears
And I'm so far away, but your body's right here
There are times when I just walked out your door
And thought I'd never get to see you anymore.

It's ok, 'cause I know
You shine even on a rainy day
And I can find your halo
Guides me to wherever you fall
If you need a hand to hold
I'll come running, because
You and I won't part till we die
You should know
We see eye to eye, heart to heart

Ohoohoo sometimes
Ohoohoo sometimes
Ohoohoo sometimes


Wherever you fall
If you need a hand to hold
I'll come running, because
You and I won't part till we die
You should know
We see eye to eye, heart to heart

James Blunt - Heart to Heart Songtext

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