Lost Frequencies & James Blunt - Melody TEXT

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Songtext zu Melody

[Verse 1]
Hey melody
Every night you play me something sweet
And when I'm down, you always change the key
I need you now, my heart has lost the beat
And I'm counting on your love, hey melody
We both could use a reason just to smile
So let me be your harmony tonight
Every note you hit cuts into me

So let me hear your love, sing
So let me hear your love, sing

Let me hear your love, sing
So let me hear your love, sing
So let me hear your love, sing
Let me hear your love, sing

[Verse 2]
Hey melody
Every night you play me something sweet
And when I'm down, you always change the key
I need you now, my heart has lost the beat
And I'm counting on your love, hey melody
We both could use a reason just to smile
So let me be your harmony tonight
Every note you hit cuts into me

So let me hear your love, sing
So let me hear your love, sing
Let me hear your love, sing
So let me hear your love, sing

So let me hear your love, sing
Let me hear your love, sing Lost Frequencies - Melody (feat. James Blunt) Lied Lost Frequencies ft. James Blunt - Melody Lyrics Lost Frequencies feat. James Blunt - Melody

Lost Frequencies - Melody Songtext

Melody Deutsche Übersetzung zu Melody von Lost Frequencies & James Blunt »

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