Felix Jaehn & Ray Dalton - Call It Love Text

Songtext zu Call It Love

Sing it back to me, sing it back to me now
Why don't we call it love, call it love
Two hearts in a billion, one of all into you
Make me want to shout it out, like a hallelujah
'Cause time like these, times like these don't come and go
We're two hearts in a billion, singing hallelujah

Why don't we call it love
Sing it back to me, sing it back to me now
Why don't we call it love, call it love
Sing it back to me, sing it back to me now
Why don't we call it love, call it love
Why don't we call it love, call it love

No sleep, we live in a dream, down the golden coastline
You give me all I need, I'm like oh-my oh-my
'Cause time like these, times like these don't come and go
No sleep, we live in a dream, I'm like oh-my oh-my

Why don't we call it love
Sing it back to me, sing it back to me now
Why don't we call it love, call it love
Sing it back to me, sing it back to me now
Why don't we call it love, call it love
Sing it back to me, sing it back to me now
Why don't we call it love, call it love

Felix Jaehn, Ray Dalton - Call It Love Songtext

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