Declan McKenna - Daniel, You're Still a Child Text

Songtext zu Daniel, You're Still a Child

[Verse 1]
Daniel, you did it, you made me cry
You spent ten days in bed when I asked you why
And requested my whereabouts through tweets
Darling, why do you bury yourself in sheets? Well, I told you
There's unrest in the House of Lords
Written on sandwich boards
Outside the shop where they sell your favourite drink
So what do you think you're doing telling people lies?
The hope's going like Christmas pies
But it's never gonna stop you turning pink


Daniel, you know it, you wanted to
Find a place on your own like you always do
I'd bear in mind
Daniel, you're still a child

[Verse 3]
Daniel's gone running, the trail's gone cold
You've been acting quite strangely since ten years old
And when you were eleven
They said, "You ought to pray to high heaven you don't get caught"

Well, Daniel, don't worry, you won't be missed
You'll spend ten years in prison to pay for this
Ah, is it all worthwhile?
Daniel, you're still a child

You got a death wish, child
Four cans of pesticide to drink

4:30 Western Time
The boy's been arrested, why do you think?

Daniel, you're still a child
Daniel, you're still a child
What is wrong with Daniel, he's no fun
You just wait 'till Daniel hurts someone
Daniel, you're a weirdo, what the hell?
You just wait 'till Daniel hurts himself

Declan McKenna - Daniel, You're Still a Child Songtext

zu Daniel, You're Still a Child von Declan McKenna - Daniel, You're Still a Child Lyrics Declan McKenna - Daniel, You're Still a Child Text Daniel, You're Still a Child Declan McKenna Daniel, You're Still a Child Liedtext
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Daniel, You're Still a Child Songtext von Declan McKenna

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