Black Gryph0n - Insane Text

Songtext zu Insane

Dearly beloved,
For your entertainment, it's my pleasure to introduce to you Hell’s latest arrival
The equal-opportunity killer, Alastor!

Hello, it’s nice to meet you!
Can you tell me where I am?
I don’t know how I got here
But I think I’m starting to understand.
I don’t belong among the angles
And baby that’s just fine with me.
The things I did up there were high school
But now I’m going for my degree


Sorry but you just got in my way
I promise honey I can feel your pain
And maybe I enjoy just a little bit
Does that make me insane?
Haven’t been the same since I expired
Doesn’t mean that I plan to retire
And now I have the power to bathe all of you in entertaining fire!

Wait a minute, do I know you?
Weren’t an old pal of mine?
Departed from us far too early
But now we’re meeting a second time.
We used to have such fun together
And maybe you have what I need
But first I have one tiny question
Tell me, do you demons bleed?

Sorry but you just got in my way
I promise honey I can feel your pain

And maybe I enjoy just a little bit
Does that make me insane?
Haven’t been the same since I expired
Doesn’t mean that I plan to retire
And now I have the power to bathe all of you in entertaining fire!

Sorry but you just got in my way
I promise honey I can feel your pain
And maybe I enjoy just a little bit
Does that make me insane?
Haven’t been the same since I expired
Doesn’t mean that I plan to retire
And now I have the power to bathe all of you in entertaining fire!

Sorry but you just got in my way
I promise honey I can feel your pain
And maybe I enjoy just a little bit
Does that make me insane?

Black Gryph0n - Insane Songtext

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