Songtext zu Falling Under
Now it's time to say goodbye
We disguise, pretend and lie
'Cause I felt more than I let on
Been stuck in this for so damn long
If I knew then what I now know
The pain was deep the lesson slow
Someday I'll learn to find the words
To not stay silent while it burns
Here I fall, falling under
Here I'm falling under
Here I fall, falling under
Here I'm falling under
Now I won't try to make amends
I won't seek your forgiveness
And I won't look for the answers
For the logic in your madness
'Cause I'll have better things to do
Than trying to get through to you
Someday I'll learn to swallow my pride
But time has not yet made me wise
Never, never be the same again
Never be the same again
Never be the same again
Never, never be the same again
Never be the same again
Never, never be the same again
Here I fall, falling under
Here I'm falling under
Here I fall, falling under
Here I'm falling under
Never, never be the same again
Never be the same again
Never be the same again
Never be the same again
A.s.o. - Falling Under Songtext
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