30 Seconds to Mars - Midnight Prayer Text

Songtext zu Midnight Prayer

Feels like
The walls are closing in
Feels like
Beginning of the end
Oh, oh
It's happening again
Beginning of the end

My mind's sick of me
Always tricking me
Feeding me these lies
Telling me the last one's at Midnight

Nighttime enemy always sendin' me
Deep between the lines
Slippin' over to the other side

Wake me up if I fall asleep
Don't wanna be alone in this nightmare
Cause I'll never leave
Once I jump
I jump in too deep
You know I take everything too far

Dream life
Is it somewhere inside my mind?
Yeah it seems like
It gets so lost behind my eyes
And for once I
I just wanna feel alive
Can you help me feel alive

My mind's sick of me
Always tricking me
Feeding me these lies
Telling me the last one's at Midnight
But we both know I should go home
That's a no-go
I'm a no-show
I'm slippin' over to the other side

Wake me up if I fall asleep
Don't wanna be alone in this nightmare
Cause I'll never leave
Once I jump
I jump in too deep
You know I take everything too far

But that's just me

Wake me up if I fall asleep
Don't wanna be alone in this nightmare

30 Seconds to Mars - Midnight Prayer Songtext

zu Midnight Prayer von 30 Seconds to Mars - Midnight Prayer Lyrics 30 Seconds to Mars - Midnight Prayer Text 30 Seconds to Mars - Midnight Prayer Tekst piosenki Midnight Prayer 30 Seconds to Mars Midnight Prayer Liedtext
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