30 Seconds to Mars - Love These Days Text

Songtext zu Love These Days

I think that it's so strange
What we call love these days
Kinda fucked up and fake
What we call love these days
Getting high on heartbreak
Hooked on to the pain
Kinda fucked up and fake
What we call love these days

She said chase me
Down the street before I leave apologize
Like you would die for me
But then she said maybe

You're only saying sorry cause I told you twice
So never mind

Late night argument
Why we arguing
We're holding onto nothing
To feel something

I think that it's so strange
What we call love these days
Kinda fucked up and fake
What we call love these days
Getting high on heartbreak
Hooked on to the pain
Kinda fucked up and fake
What we call love these days

Love or hate me
Promise you that I would never live a lie
I'm a do or die

So you wanna save me
Another day, another life, another line
Running out of time

I would die for you
Secret rendezvous
We're holding onto nothing
To feel something

I think that it's so strange
What we call love these days
Kinda fucked up and fake
What we call love these days
Getting high on heartbreak
Hooked on to the pain
Kinda fucked up and fake
What we call love these days

I know that I'm broken and tired alone
Today is the greatest that I've ever known

I know that I'm broken and tired alone
Today is the greatest that I've ever known

I think that it's so strange
What we call love these days
Kinda fucked up and fake
What we call love these days

30 Seconds to Mars - Love These Days Songtext

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