Vampire Weekend - Mary Boone Text

Songtext zu Mary Boone

[Verse 1]
Painted white, new in town
You weren't hiring, but I was looking
In those days, my working days
Came in from Jersey, not from Brooklyn

Oh, my love, was it all in vain?
We always wanted money, now the money's not the same
In a quiet moment at the theater, I could hear the train
Deep inside the city, your memory remains

Mary Boone, Mary Boone

I'm on the dark side of your room
Mary Boone, Mary Boone
Well, I hope you feel like loving someone soon

[Verse 2]
Crooked crime, petty cop
Not on thе street yet, but it was cooking
In those days, the burning days
Thе one from Queens, not from Brooklyn

Oh, my love, was it all in vain?
We always wanted money, now the money's not the same
In a quiet moment at the theater, I could feel your pain
Deep inside the city, your memory remains

Mary Boone, Mary Boone
I'm on the dark side of your room

Mary Boone, Mary Boone
Well, I hope you feel like loving someone soon

Book of hours, Russian icons
And sand mandalas and Natarajas
And hex-sign barns, Ando churches
And whirling dervishes, long exposures
And these two tunnels go west and east
Let me bring you my masterpiece
You're the author of everything
Use this voice and let it sing

Mary Boone, Mary Boone
I'm on the dark side of your room
Mary Boone, Mary Boone
Well, I hope you feel like loving someone soon

Painted w—

Vampire Weekend - Mary Boone Songtext

zu Mary Boone von Vampire Weekend - Mary Boone Lyrics Vampire Weekend - Mary Boone Text Mary Boone Vampire Weekend Mary Boone Liedtext
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Album: Only God Was Above Us (2024)

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