Uriah Heep - Love Machine Text

Songtext zu Love Machine

[Verse 1]
Lovely little lady, you've got me on the run
You're a love machine and you say that I'm your gun
But I don't care, cause I've got to know

[Verse 2]
You said you were a loser, the kind that came up rusted
So I had to try hard to satisfy your thirst
But I don't care, cause I've got to know

[Verse 3]
The only time she's happy is when the bullets fly, yeah
And she'll make you feel you're better than any other guy

And I don't care, cause I've got to know

Lovely little lady, you've got me on the run, yeah
You're a love machine and I'm trying to be your gun
But I don't care, cause I've got to know

Uriah Heep - Love Machine Songtext

zu Love Machine von Uriah Heep - Love Machine Lyrics Uriah Heep - Love Machine Text Love Machine Uriah Heep Love Machine Liedtext
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Album: Look at Yourself (1971)

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