Songtext zu Golden Light
[Verse 1]They told me that the world was complicated
No answers to the questions in my head
Well, I said, "No more uneasy conversations"
I don't wanna be the prize that you found
Just let me be myself and keep my feet on the ground
There's a golden light shining down on me
On an open road somewhere
There's an angel guide showing me the way
Helping me survive
[Verse 2]
The ever-changing words that we are givеn
All sit somewhere bеtween the truth and a lie
But truth will lead us to that sacred rainbow
A shift of mind is all that you are
A different way of seeing way beyond the stars
There's a golden light shining down on me
On an open road somewhere
There's an angel guide showing me the way
Helping me survive
I don't wanna be the prize that you found
Just let me be myself and keep my feet on the ground
There's a golden light shining down on me
On an open road somewhere
There's an angel guide showing me the way
Helping me survive
Uriah Heep - Golden Light Songtext
zu Golden Light von Uriah Heep - Golden Light Lyrics Uriah Heep - Golden Light Text Golden Light Uriah Heep Golden Light LiedtextUriah Heep Golden Light Letra de Golden Light com Uriah Heep
Album: Chaos & Colour (2023)
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