TRiDENT (jap.) - Neo Future Text

Songtext zu Neo Future

Hey, I can't even make one of my dreams come true
Why do I feel like crying

You're rowing at the oars without knowing where you are in front
Is it not bad to live every day as if nothing has changed
I looked up, and there were clouds clouding the sky, blurring it
I don't want this feeling and these words to melt

Hey, I can't even make one of my dreams come true
Why do I feel like crying
Floating somewhere in the neo future
I'll take the long way around, but with you here
I feel like I can take the road less traveled

On a sunny day, the fruit grows
On rainy days, the roots grow
No matter how hard today is
If I can remember the blue sky
Our sun will shine tomorrow

A boat loaded with promises, bobbing in the waves
Believe in the miracle beyond the horizon
I looked up and saw it shining like a star in the sky
The smiles, the words, the connections

Our view of neo future
I realize now that living for someone else is a blessing
There's no reset button in life
But if you want to start over again
You can press the start button
As many times as you want, right

Hey, I can't make even one of my dreams come true

But I wonder if I can go with you
Floating somewhere in the neo future
I'll take the long way around, but with you here
I feel like I can take the road less traveled

On a sunny day, the fruit grows
On rainy days, the roots grow
No matter how hard today is
If I can remember the blue sky
Our sun will shine tomorrow
Our future

TRiDENT (jap.) - Neo Future Songtext

zu Neo Future von TRiDENT (jap.) - Neo Future Lyrics TRiDENT (jap.) - Neo Future Text TRiDENT (jap.) - Neo Future Tekst piosenki Neo Future TRiDENT (jap.) Neo Future Liedtext
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