Toby Romeo & Keanu Silva & IZKO & Ásdís - Wow Text

Songtext zu Wow

What is this feeling
I can't believe it
I must be dreaming
When we're together the smell of leather is all around
I'll be the fire that lights the cigarette in your mouth
Come up for air when all my buttons are falling down
We're lost in the sound
What is this feeling
I can't believe it
I must be dreaming
Baby you got me saying wow
Raise an eyebrow

Make my heart bounce
From the waist down
Baby you got me saying wow
What is this feeling
I can't believe it
I must be dreaming
Baby you got me saying wow
Raise an eyebrow
Make my heart bounce
From the waist down
Baby you got me saying wow
From the waist down
Baby you got me saying wow
Something about you fills up the room and it's hard to breathe
The way you're loving my body makes it so hard to leave in this moment
Let's ride this emotion right here
Just you and me
Oh I wanna be frozen
In this moment in time
Cause I wanna keep holding you

Yeah hold you like you're mine
Where have you been all my life?
What is this feeling
I can't believe it
I must be dreaming
Baby you got me saying wow
Raise an eyebrow
Make my heart bounce
From the waist down
Baby you got me saying wow
What is this feeling
I can't believe it
I must be dreaming
Baby you got me saying wow
Raise an eyebrow
Make my heart bounce
From the waist down
Baby you got me saying wow
Put it on me, put it on me
Like nobody, like nobody
When you touch me, oh you got me
Got me saying wow
Put it on me, put it on me
Like nobody, like nobody
When you touch me, oh you got me
Got me saying wow

Toby Romeo & Keanu Silva & IZKO & Ásdís - Wow Songtext

zu Wow von Toby Romeo & Keanu Silva & IZKO & Ásdís - Wow Lyrics Toby Romeo & Keanu Silva & IZKO & Ásdís - Wow Lied Toby Romeo & Keanu Silva & IZKO & Ásdís - Wow Text Wow Toby Romeo & Keanu Silva & IZKO & Ásdís Wow Liedtext
Toby Romeo & Keanu Silva & IZKO & Ásdís Wow Letra de Wow com Toby Romeo & Keanu Silva & IZKO & Ásdís

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Wow Songtext von Toby Romeo & Keanu Silva & IZKO & Ásdís

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