The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary Text

Songtext zu She Sells Sanctuary

[Verse 1]
Oh, the heads that turn
Make my back burn
And those heads that turn
Make my back, make my back burn

[Verse 2]
The sparkle in your eyes
Keeps me alive
And the sparkle in your eyes
Keeps me alive, keeps me alive

The world

And the world turns around
The world and the world, yeah
The world drags me down

[Verse 3]
Oh, the heads that turn
Make my back burn
And those heads that turn
Make my back, make my back burn, yeah


[Verse 4]
The fire in your eyes
Keeps me alive
And the fire in your eyes
Keeps me alive

I'm sure in her you'll find
The sanctuary
I'm sure in her you'll find
The sanctuary

And the world
The world turns around
And the world and the world
The world drags me down
And the world and the world and the world
The world turns around
And the world and the world and the world and the world
The world drags me down


And the world (Yeah-hey-hey-hey)
The world turns around (Yeah-hey-hey-hey)
And the world and the world (Yeah-hey-hey-hey)
The world drags me down (Yeah-hey-hey-hey)
And the world (Yeah-hey-hey-hey)
Yeah, the world turns around (Yeah-hey-hey-hey)
And the world and the world (Yeah-hey-hey-hey)
The world drags me down (Yeah-hey-hey-hey)

Sanctuary, hey
Sanctuary, hey

The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary Songtext

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Album: Love (1985)

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