The Arcadian Wild - Dopamine Text

Songtext zu Dopamine

Hit ‘em with a little bit of dopamine to keep em lookin'
Every second, they'll be second guessing, trying to meet the
Expectation of the age of information, the simulation
Will be so convincing, they'll forget that they're alive

What have I missed since I last checked my phone?
My god, that must have been ten minutes ago!

Ever seeing, but not perceiving
Ever hearing, but never understanding

I can feel it slipping away
My grip on reality's down to a couple fingers

Living like I'm running a race, though I've my doubts
Anyone's gonna come out the winner

Wake up and break yourself outta here
Don't be one of the cold souls who disappears
Stop believing and telling the lie
Why don't you look your life in the eye?

Show a video of a corgi wearing a knitted sweater
Then an advertisement for a pair of shoes that look much better
Than the fourteen they already have, besides they're vegan leather
They'll be so delighted they'll forget that they're alive

What have I missed since I last checked my phone?
My god, that must have been ten minutes ago!

Ever seeing, but not perceiving
Ever hearing, but never understanding

Giving pieces of me away

My death comes by a thousand cuts, and I paid for the knife
Bleeding for a way to escape my ball and chain
The fatal clutches of father screen time

Wake up and break yourself outta here
Don't be one of the cold souls who disappears
Stop believing and telling the lie
Why don't you look your life in the eye?

Wake up and break yourself outta here
Don't be one of the cold souls who disappears
Stop believing and telling the lie
Why don't you look your life in the eye?

The Arcadian Wild - Dopamine Songtext

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