Sum 41 - Out For Blood Text

Songtext zu Out For Blood

Zero chances, no way out
No solutions given now
(There's no point resisting, there's nobody listening)
Are we just sick? (Sick)
Are we just tired? (Tired)
Apathetic, uninspired
(What do you believe in, there's nobody leading)

So tell me what's real
I don't know if I can feel

All that we have is just slipping away
And I don't believe that it's gonna be okay

You can't stop the bleeding, it's almost too late
You're leaving this all behind with hell to pay

All of the dearly beloved
Your time is up, they're out for blood
(Misery made it so hopelessly vagrant)
And no one can believe a single word that you say (Say)
Secrets kept us in disguise
As he 'bout to pull us down
(Do what you will, you descend to the [?] you)

Tell me what's right
I don't see the light

All that we have is just slipping away
And I don't believe that it's gonna be okay
You can't stop the bleeding, it's almost too late
You're leaving this all behind with hell to pay

Silence, they don't hear you calling

The further down you fall
And they're not there at all 'cause
They're already gone

So tell me what's real
I don't know if I can feel
Tell me what's right
I don't see the light

All that we have is just slipping away
And I don't believe that it's gonna be okay
You can't stop the bleeding, it's almost too late
You're leaving this all behind with hell to pay

Sum 41 - Out For Blood Songtext

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