Sum 41 - Never There Text

Songtext zu Never There

Do you think about me
'Cause I don't have any doubts you must
In this life
Even though you're never there
I didn't feel you disappear from sight
You did it well

And now you and I share the same life missing out
And so the story goes
That we're left, we're stuck with a broken house
I know that if I, I had the chance
I'd let you know
That I understand

I've let you go

I don't need you by my side
I think by now I'm doing fine
Myself, on my own
And I feel you time to time
Like you're sending out a sign
I can tell, you're not alone

Because you and I share the same life missing out
And so the story goes
That we're left, we're stuck with a broken house
I know that if the, the chance appears
Well I'd have no fears
We both share pain
We feel the same

And now you and I share the same life missing out
And so the story goes
That we're left, we're stuck with a broken house

I know that if I, I had the chance
I'd let you know
That I understand
I've let you go

You and I share the same life missing out
And so the story goes
That we're left, we're stuck with a broken house
I know that if the, the chance appears
Well I'd have no fears
We both share pain
We feel the same

Sum 41 - Never There Songtext

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