Songtext zu Perpetual Deception
Scriptures are falsified
Leading to delusions
Mankind shan't be blessed as one of the divine
Ordained upon the throne
A king of all kings
Praised as a deity
Embraced to be invoked through infamy
Delusive embellished treachery
Spewed forth by this infidelity
Exalting a theory
Enshrined by martyrs
Exploiting ignorance
Abandon hope and faith
That was emphatically
Embedded since the
Never ending
Altering predestined fate that's sacrilegious
Denouncing inheritance of the righteous ones
Deny this mortal progeny
Alleged begotten son
Messiah and prophet
Implementing lunacy
Perpetual deception
Preaching it's the will of god
To accept his holy
Prophetic deed
Sick psychotic thoughts
A defiled mind contemplates
No repentance
The existence of this being is blasphemy
Heed these words herein
Appointed majesty
Savior for all
One man can not
Bear the burden
Of sin
Your savior now
Suffocation - Perpetual Deception Songtext
zu Perpetual Deception von Suffocation - Perpetual Deception Lyrics Suffocation - Perpetual Deception Text Suffocation - Perpetual Deception Tekst piosenki Perpetual Deception Suffocation Perpetual Deception LiedtextSuffocation Perpetual Deception Letra de Perpetual Deception com Suffocation
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