Steely Dan - Only A Fool Would Say That TEXT

Only A Fool Would Say That
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Songtext zu Only A Fool Would Say That

[Verse 1]
A world become one of salads and sun
Only a fool would say that
A boy with a plan, a natural man
Wearing a white Stetson hat

Unhand that gun begone
There's no one to fire upon
If he's holding it high
He's telling a lie

I heard it was you

Talking 'bout a world where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that

[Verse 2]
The man in the street dragging his feet
Don't wanna hear the bad news
Imagine your face there in his place
Standing inside his brown shoes

You do his nine to five
Drag yourself home half alive
And there on the screen
A man with a dream

I heard it was you
Talking 'bout a world where all is free

It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that

Anybody on the street
Has murder in his eyes
You feel no pain
And you're younger than you realize
Only a fool would say that
Only a fool

I heard it was you
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that

Only a fool would say that
Only a fool would say that

Steely Dan - Only a Fool Would Say That Songtext

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Album: Can’t Buy a Thrill (1972)

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