Sonny Fodera & MK - Asking Text

Songtext zu Asking

I want this to last forever
Let's live in the moment

[Verse 1]
Oh-oh, my baby
Where you at?
You know I need you now
Ooh, you been acting so shady
You used to make me feel

You swore that only you could love me deeper

But it seems you got a bad case of amnesia
I even gave you my keys to the Bimmer
Anytime that you wanted to ride
All I was asking for was you (You, you, you, you, you)
And some tenderness
All I was asking for was you (You, you, you)
All I was asking for was you (You, you, you)
All I was asking for was, oh


[Verse 2]
And you know
Giving my heart ain't usual for me
I try to hide my vulnerability
And I know, I know I don't need ya
'Cause you lie, lie, lie
Every single time

You swore that only you could love me deeper
But it seems you got a bad case of amnesia
I even gave you my keys to the Bimmer
Anytime that you wanted to ride
All I was asking for was you (You, you, you)
All I was asking for was you (You, you, you)
All I was asking for was you (You, you, you)
All I was asking for was you (You, you, you)
All I was asking for was, oh

All I was asking for was
Where you at?
All I was asking for was you

You, you, you, you, you

Sonny Fodera & MK feat. Clementine Douglas - Asking Songtext

zu Asking von Sonny Fodera & MK - Asking (feat. Clementine Douglas) Lyrics Clementine Douglas & MK & Sonny Fodera - Asking Text Asking Sonny Fodera & MK Asking Liedtext
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