Shed Seven - Kissing California Text

Songtext zu Kissing California


What would you do if I called for you
You'd wrap your arms around California
Everyday my love grows for you
All dressed up and everywhere to go now

This could be far out of sight
Cause you and I, it's dynamite
Come on we could see this through
Looking from this Birds Eye view of love
Kissing California

Kissing California

What would you say if I came running for you
You'd drape your arms around California
Cause everyday my love for you grows
I wanna see my flag wave when the wind blows

This could be far out of sight
Cause you and I, it's dynamite
Come on we could see this through
Looking from this Birds Eye view of love
Kissing California
Kissing California

Some say that life's unkind
But I'm a lucky find
Open your mind, the world keeps spinning round with love

Open your mind, the world keeps spinning round with love
The world keeps spinning round for us
Kissing California
Kissing California

Shed Seven - Kissing California Songtext

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Shed Seven Kissing California Letra de Kissing California com Shed Seven
Album: A Matter of Time - Changed Giver Edition (2024)

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