Re-Flex - The Politics Of Dancing Text

Songtext zu The Politics Of Dancing

[Verse 1]
We got the message
I heard it on the airwaves
The politicians are now DJs
The broadcast was spreading
Station to station
Like an infection across the nation

Though you know you can't stop it
When they start to play, you gotta get out the way

The politics of dancing

The politics of, ooh, feeling good
The politics of moving, aha
Is this message understood?

The politics of dancing
The politics of, ooh, feeling good
The politics of moving, aha
Is this message understood?

[Verse 2]
We're under pressure
Yes, we're counting on you
Like what you say is what you do
It's in the papers, ooh, it's on your TV news
Ooh, the application is just a point of view

Well, you know you can't stop it
When they start to play, you gotta get out the way

The politics of dancing
The politics of, ooh, feeling good
The politics of moving, aha
Is this message understood? Yeah


The politics of dancing
The politics of, ooh, feeling good
The politics of moving, aha
Is this message understood?

The politics of dancing
The politics of, ooh, feeling good
The politics of moving, aha
Is this message understood?

The politics of dancing
The politics of, ooh, feeling good
The politics of moving, aha
Is this message understood?

The politics of dancing
The politics of, ooh, feeling good
The politics of moving, aha
Is this message understood?

The politics of dancing
The politics of, ooh, feeling good

Re-Flex - The Politics Of Dancing Songtext

zu The Politics Of Dancing von Re-Flex - The Politics Of Dancing (7' Version) Lyrics Re-Flex - The Politics Of Dancing Text The Politics Of Dancing Re-Flex The Politics Of Dancing Liedtext
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Album: The Politics of Dancing (1983)

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