RAYE & Hans Zimmer - Mother Nature Text

Songtext zu Mother Nature

[Verse 1]
Good morning
Mother Nature painted a sky for us this dawning
She took some crimson reds, and melts them into oranges
She hides the moon behind the curtains safe out of sight
Then, she'll open them up to prepare for the night
As she breathes and she blows
The trees, they stretch their arms
As they dance, they've rehearse it
The ocean roars like a thousand lions standing proud
Oh, Mother Nature, you'rе just showin' off now

As it rains

How she cries
For as she burns for us
Shе still turns for us

And, so, she will provide
For as long, oh, as long as she can
She'll be beautiful, so beautiful
For as much as she can stand
Forgive us, Mother Nature
For we know not what we do
But in her dress of green and blue
She still turns, she still turns, and she's still turning

And, so, she will provide
For as long, for as long as she can
She'll be beautiful, so beautiful
For as much as she can stand

Forgive us, Mother Nature
For we know not what we do
But in her dress of green and blue
She still turns, oh, she still turns, and she's still turning
In a dress of green and blue
And she's still turning, hmm

RAYE & Hans Zimmer - Mother Nature Songtext

zu Mother Nature von RAYE & Hans Zimmer - Mother Nature Lyrics Hans Zimmer & RAYE - Mother Nature Text Mother Nature RAYE & Hans Zimmer Mother Nature Liedtext
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