Sia & Hans Zimmer - Out There Text

Songtext zu Out There

I pray
Yeah, I'm hoping that if I pray
Maybe you'll talk back
'Cause I pray for some faith, some faith today

This walk feels longer in the dark tonight
No hand to hold, no hand in sight
I pour my heart out to the blackest sky
Oh, spirit, can you hear my soul's cry?

[Chorus 1]

Can you hear my call? Can I have a sign?
'Cause I am losing hope
Yeah, on my darkest night

This walk feels longer in the dark tonight
No hand to hold, no hand in sight
I pour my heart out to the blackest sky
Oh, spirit, can you hear my soul's cry?

[Chorus 2]
No, I don't wanna walk alone, I want to believe
'Cause I am losing hope
As love will speak to me
Can you hear my call? Can I have a sign?
'Cause I am losing hope
Yeah, on my darkest night

I got a feeling you're out there

I got a feeling you're out there

Sia & Hans Zimmer - Out There Songtext

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