Hit the Road Jack
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Songtext zu Hit the Road Jack
[Chorus]:(Hit the road, Jack!
And don't you come back
No more, no more, no more, no more
Hit the road, Jack
And don't you come back no more)
''What you say?!''
(Hit the road, Jack!
And don't you come back
No more, no more, no more, no more
Hit the road, Jack
And don't you come back no more)
Whoa woman, oh woman, don't treat me so mean
You're the meanest old woman that I've ever seen
I guess if you said so,
I'd have to pack my things and go!
(That's right!)
(Hit the road, Jack!
And don't you come back
No more, no more, no more, no more
Hit the road, Jack
And don't you come back no more)
"What you say?!"
(Hit the road, Jack!
And don't you come back
No more, no more, no more, no more
Hit the road, Jack
And don't you come back no more)
Now, baby, listen baby, don't ya treat me this-a-way
For I'll be back on my feet someday
(Don't care if you do, 'cause it's understood
You ain't got no money, you're just a no-good)
Well, I guess if you said so
I'd have to pack my things and go!
(That's right!)
(Hit the road, Jack!
And don't you come back
No more, no more, no more, no more
Hit the road, Jack
And don't you come back no more)
"What you say?!"
(Hit the road, Jack!
And don't you come back
No more, no more, no more, no more
Hit the road, Jack
And don't you come back no more)
You must be joking!
(Don't you come back no more)
What you tryin' to do to me?
(Don't you come back no more)
Can't we talk it over?
(Don't you come back no more)
I thought we had a better understanding
(Don't you come back no more)
Oh baby, don't be so chicken
(Don't you come back no more)
You dont want to see me cry?
(Don't you come back no more)
Oh baby, please!
(Don't you come back no more)
It isn't fair!
(Don't you come back no more)
You don't want me to cry no more
(Don't you come back no more)
(Don't you come back no more)
(Don't you come back no more)
Yeah, yeah
Ray Charles - Hit the Road, Jack Songtext
zu Hit the Road, Jack! von Ray Charles - Hit the Road Jack! Lyrics Ray Charles - Hit the Road, Jack! Text Hit the Road,Jack! Ray Charles Hit the Road Jack LiedtextRay Charles Hit the Road Jack Letra de Hit the Road Jack com Ray Charles
Album: Ray Charles Greatest Hits (1962)
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