Pink Floyd - A Pillow Of Winds Text

Songtext zu A Pillow Of Winds

[Verse 1]
A cloud of eiderdown draws around me
Softening the sound

Sleepy time, when I lie
With my love by my side
And she’s breathing low

And the candle dies

[Verse 2]
When night comes down, you lock the door

The book falls to the floor
As darkness falls and waves roll by
The seasons change, the wind is warm

[Verse 3]
Now wakes the owl, now sleeps the swan
Behold a dream, the dream is gone
Green fields, a cold rain is falling
In a golden dawn

[Instrumental Interlude]

[Verse 4]
And deep beneath the ground
The early morning sounds
And I go down

Sleepy time, when I lie

With my love by my side
And she’s breathing low

And I rise, like a bird
In the haze, when the first rays
Touch the sky
And the night winds die

Pink Floyd - A Pillow Of Winds Songtext

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Album: Shine On (1992)

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