PETER GABRIEL - White Shadow Text

Songtext zu White Shadow

Ten coaches roll into the dust
Chrome windows turned to rust
Hang on inside, they know they must
Hanging on the green-backed words: "In God we trust"

No one knew if the spirit died
All wrapped to go like Kentucky Fried
Trying to read the flight of birds
Low on fuel, getting low on words

And she comes out like a white shadow
She comes out like a white shadow

Each one drawn to empty spaces

Outsiders, borderline cases
It's hard to tell black from white
When you wake up in the middle of the night

Weighed down by the absence of sound
Broken now by the cry of a hound
Looking for movement within the haze
Light can be deceptive with her rays

PETER GABRIEL - White Shadow Songtext

zu White Shadow von PETER GABRIEL - White Shadow Lyrics PETER GABRIEL - White Shadow Text White Shadow PETER GABRIEL White Shadow Liedtext
PETER GABRIEL White Shadow Letra de White Shadow com PETER GABRIEL
Album: Peter Gabriel - Scratch (1978)

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