Ozzy Osbourne feat. Tony Iommi - No Escape From Now Text

Songtext zu No Escape From Now

Too much confusion
With living today
Paint an illusion
In my disarray

Falling on dark times
Oh, when will it end?
Too much confusion
Again and again

World on fire, scream and shout
In a cage, I can't get out
On my knees, no mercy can be found

Memories go up in flames
Shovel dirt upon my name
See my future circle in the drain
The drain

Gone are the yesterdays
Tomorrow's getting cold
And you can't turn back now
Trapped in the words you say
True stories never told
There's no escape from now

(Oh, yeah)
Storm is raging in my head
Everybody wants me dead
Are you my enemy? Are you my friend?
My friend

Destruction never leads to change

Waiting for the end in vain
Hear them laughing as they go insane

Gone are the yesterdays
Tomorrow's getting cold
And you can't turn back now
Trapped in the words you say
True stories never told
There's no escape from now

(Somebody stop me)
I'm coming to find you
I'm crawling out of my grave
And everywhere you run and hide, you're gonna see my face

I'm coming to get you
I'm gonna ruin your day
And every time you pray to god, you're gonna hear my name
Oh, yeah

Your tears will turn to blood
The battle's won, but the war ain't over
You're drowning in the mud
Reach for the sun

But I'll pull you under, yeah
Pull you under, yeah

Still in confusion
With no end in sight
Inside the illusion
Nothing feels right

Living in dark times
This message I send
Too much confusion
Will it ever end?

Ozzy Osbourne & Tony Iommi - No Escape From Now Songtext

zu No Escape From Now von Ozzy Osbourne - No Escape From Now ft. Tony Iommi Lyrics Tony Iommi & Ozzy Osbourne - No Escape From Now Text No Escape From Now Ozzy Osbourne No Escape From Now Liedtext
Ozzy Osbourne feat. Tony Iommi No Escape From Now Letra de No Escape From Now com Ozzy Osbourne feat. Tony Iommi
Album: Patient Number 9 (2022)

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