Orson Welles - I know what it is to be young Text

Songtext zu I know what it is to be young

When we are young age has no meaning
I never gave it a second thought
until one day along came this old man
and this is what he said to me
and this is what he said to me

I know what it is to be young,
but you, you don't know what it is to be old
someday, you'll be saying the same thing
time takes away so the story is told

I've asked so many questions
to the wise men I've met
couldn't find all the answers

no one has as yet.
There'll be days to remember
full of laughter and tears
after summer comes winter and so go the years
So my friend,
let's make music together
I'll play the old while you sing me the new
In a time when your young days are over
there'll be someone sharing their time with you

I know what it is to be young,
but you, you don't know what it is to be old

So my friend,
let's make music together
I'll play the old while you sing me the new
In a time when your young days are over
there'll be someone sharing their time with you

There'll be someone sharing their time with you

Orson Welles - I know what it is to be young Songtext

zu I know what it is to be young von Orson Welles - I know what it is to be young Lyrics for Orson Welles - I know what it is to be young Lyrics for I know what it is to be young by Orson Welles - I know what it is to be young Text I know what it is to be young Orson Welles I know what it is to be young Liedtext
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I know what it is to be young
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Orson Welles

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