Ochman - Rats Text

Songtext zu Rats

RIP from the sheets
Got my eyes open
Drink the lean
Must be something holdin' me
City heat
Our filthy dream stolen
It's obsolete
Supplier retired y'all leave me deceived

Bunch a rats scurrying under the streets
Come out a bit just to say hello
Give them fuckers some grub to eat
See a dead body and eat it slow

Scurrying under the streets
Its nothin' on me
Allegedly the American dream
Fool with no plan but a stupid motherfuckin' scheme

Got my eyes open
Got my eyes open

Get me the fuck outta here
Right before it's possibly too late
Liberty city mistakes
Niko Bellic avenging bros who were betrayed
Little rats reeking much worse than the city
Get outta my way
Get back in your cage
Know your place

The sickness, we witness it, now we gettin' bit
They always pull up

The sewer runs red, they try to hide the dead, but we know what they done
Never know
Keep your head low
Or get your head blown
And they replace you with a clone

Bunch a rats scurrying under the streets
Come out a bit just to say hello
Give them fuckers some grub to eat
See a dead body and eat it slow
Scurrying under the streets
Its nothin' on me
Allegedly the American dream
Fool with no plan but a stupid motherfuckin' scheme

Eye-eye-eyes open
Something holdin' me

Eye-eye-eyes open
Something holdin' me

RIP from the sheets
Got my eyes open
Drink the lean
Must be something holdin' me
City heat
Our filthy dream stolen
It's obsolete
Supplier retired y'all leave me deceived

RIP from the sheets
Got my eyes open
Drink the lean
Must be something holdin' me
City heat
Our filthy dream stolen
It's obsolete
Supplier retired y'all leave me deceived

Eye-eye-eyes open
Something holdin' me

Eye-eye-eyes open
Something holdin' me

(Ah ah)

Got my eyes open

Ochman - Rats Songtext

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