Songtext zu Christmas Vibes
Christmas vibes
I wanna saw you a good time
Baby please give me smile
We don't know when we
Don't try
Christmas vibes
The snow is starting brigter then newborn child
I can see you far
You're my holiday star
Christmas vibes
Girls are curely
Guys are all dress
To impress the ladies
Everyone just chill
You're finally here
Christmas vibes is near!
Christmas vibes
Girls are curely
Guys are all dress
To impress the ladies
Everyone just chill
You're finally here
Christmas vibes is near!
Christmas bells will ring
Oh, Christmas, voices will sing:
Christmas bells will ring
Oh, Christmas, voices will sing:
Christmas is here
Only say goodbye
I will be
Waiting under the Christmas Tree
Krystian Ochman - Christmas Vibes Songtext
zu Christmas Vibes von Krystian Ochman - Christmas Vibes Lyrics Krystian Ochman - Christmas Vibes Lied Krystian Ochman - Christmas Vibes Text Christmas Vibes Krystian Ochman Christmas Vibes LiedtextKrystian Ochman Christmas Vibes Letra de Christmas Vibes com Krystian Ochman
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Christmas Vibes
Songtext von
Krystian Ochman
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