Ochman - 8ball Text

Songtext zu 8ball

If you wanna show me
Gettin’ you up for the call
If you don’t wanna see me
Get your ass up and pray for me

Freelancin’ with the homies
Maybe i don’t care at all
Bro pain don’t really phase me
Didn’t win, but i hit that 8 ball

You want me look at you tell me now
You want me look at you tell me now
Not healthy, tryin to find my way out

Lay eyes on the mirror, reaping decline
Get a taste how we feel Inside
Movin’ enough
Never enough
Lemme outrun
Ima get stuck

Lay eyes on horizons, No change in time,
you get featured left behind
Movin’ enough
Never enough
Lemme outrun
Ima Get stuck

I’ve got my score on my heel
Revival shrieks at the peak
Proceed with progress I’ve made a meal
The community tells me what I seek

Ochman - 8ball Songtext

zu 8ball von Ochman - 8ball Lyrics for 8ball by Ochman - 8ball Text 8ball Ochman 8ball Liedtext
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