Noah Kahan & Hozier - Northern Attitude TEXT

Northern Attitude
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Songtext zu Northern Attitude

[Verse 1: Noah Kahan]
Breathin' in, breathin' out
How you been? You settled down?
You feelin' right? You feelin' proud?
How are your kids? Where are they now?

[Pre-Chorus: Noah Kahan]
You build a boat, you build a life
You lose your friends, you lose your wife
You settle in to routine
Where are you? What does it mean?

[Chorus: Noah Kahan]
If I get too close

And I'm not how you hoped
Forgive my northern attitude
Oh, I was raised out in the cold
If the sun don't rise
'Til the summertime
Forgive my northern attitude
Oh, I was raised on little light

[Post-Chorus: Hozier]

[Verse 2: Hozier]
You bought some shit, you search online
You're gettin' lost, you're gettin' high
All alone late in life
Scared to live, scared to die

[Pre-Chorus: Hozier, Noah Kahan]
You build a boat, you build a life

You lose your kids, you lose your wife
You settle down, you're feelin' lost
You're gettin' stoned, then kickin' rocks (Three, four)

[Chorus: Noah Kahan & Hozier]
If I get too close
And I'm not how you hoped
Forgive my northern attitude
Oh, I was raised out in the cold
If the sun don't rise
'Til the summertime
Forgive my northern attitude
Oh, I was raised on little light

[Post-Chorus: Noah Kahan & Hozier, Hozier, Noah Kahan]
Oh, ah (Oh)
Oh, ah (Hey-hey-hey)
Oh, ah (Oh)
Oh, ah (Oh)

[Chorus: Noah Kahan & Hozier]
If you get too close
And I'm not how you hoped
Forgive my northern attitude
Oh, I was raised out in the cold
If the sun don't shine
'Til the summertime
Forgive my northern attitude
Oh, I was raised on little light

[Outro: Noah Kahan]

Noah Kahan & Hozier - Northern Attitude Songtext

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