Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov - Paul Revere Text

Songtext zu Paul Revere

[Verse 1: Noah Kahan, Gregory Alan Isakov, Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov]
County line, I'm countin' down
Mailboxes until my house
This place had a heartbeat in its day
Vail bought the mountains, and nothing was the same
Yeah, the boys are drunk, the sun is high
Their license plates "Live Free or Die"
But it just ain't that simple, it never was
We'll drink 'til New Year's, then they'll leave me to clean up

[Chorus: Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov]
One day, I'm gonna cut it clear
Ride like Paul Revere
And, when they ask me who I am

I'll say, "I'm not from around here"

[Verse 2: Gregory Alan Isakov, Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov]
I'll leave before the road crew's out
Before those joggers, looking way too proud
We'll turn up the music and I'll forget
Until it ends, that I'm not ready to let go yet

[Chorus: Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov]
One day, I'm gonna cut it clear
Ride like Paul Revere
And, when they ask me who I am
I'll just pretend I didn't hear
It's typical, I fear
Folks just disappear
And, when they ask me who I am
I'll say, "I'm not from around here"

[Post-Chorus: Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov]

I'll say, "I'm not from around here"

[Outro: Noah Kahan, Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov]
But I'm in my car, and I see the yard
The patch of grass where we buried the dog
And the world makes sense behind a chain-link fence
If I could leave, I would've already left
But I'm in my car, and I see the yard
And the patch of grass where we buried the dog
And the world makes sense behind a chain-link fence
If I could leave, I would've already left
I would've already left

Noah Kahan und Gregory Alan Isakov - Paul Revere Songtext

zu Paul Revere von Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov - Paul Revere Lyrics Gregory Alan Isakov & Noah Kahan - Paul Revere Text Paul Revere Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov Paul Revere Liedtext
Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov Paul Revere Letra de Paul Revere com Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov Noah Kahan & Gregory Alan Isakov - Paul Revere Tekst
Album: Stick Season (Forever) (2024)

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