Morgan Harper-Jones - I Wanna Dance with Somebody Text

Songtext zu I Wanna Dance with Somebody

[Verse 1]
The clock strikes upon the hour, and the sun begins to fade
Still enough time to figure out how to chase my blues away
I've been alright up to now
It's the light of day that shows me how
When the night falls, my lonely heart calls

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me

[Verse 2]

I've been in love and lost my senses, spinning through the town
Sooner or later the fever ends, and I wind up feeling down
I need a man who'll take a chance
On a lovе that burns hot enough to last
When the night falls, my lonеly heart calls

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me

Don't you wanna dance?
(Oh, I wanna dance with somebody)
Do you wanna dance?
Don't you wanna dance?
Don't you wanna dance?
(I wanna feel— Dance with somebody)

Do you wanna dance?
Don't you wanna dance?
Don't you wanna dance?
(Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody)
Do you wanna dance?
Don't you wanna dance?
With somebody who loves me

Morgan Harper-Jones - I Wanna Dance with Somebody Songtext

zu I Wanna Dance with Somebody von Morgan Harper-Jones - I Wanna Dance with Somebody Lyrics Morgan Harper-Jones - I Wanna Dance with Somebody (who loves me) Text I Wanna Dance with Somebody Morgan Harper-Jones I Wanna Dance with Somebody Liedtext
Morgan Harper-Jones I Wanna Dance with Somebody Letra de I Wanna Dance with Somebody com Morgan Harper-Jones Morgan Harper-Jones - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) (Whitney Houston COVER) tekst
Album: Breathe - EP (2020)

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