Marshmello x Lil Peep - Spotlight Text

Songtext zu Spotlight

Loving you is like a fairytale
I just can?t pick up
The phone again
This time I?ll be on mu own
My friend
One more time
I?m all alone again

Sex with you is like
I?m dreaming
And I just wanna hear you
Scream again
Now you?re gone

I can?t believe that

Time I spent with you
Deceiving me
I don?t care if you believe in me
I still wonder why
You?re leaving me
I don?t care if you believe in me
I still wonder why
You tease me

And if I?m taking this
The wrong way
I hope you know that
You can tell me whatever you?re thinking
It?s when you put me in the spotlight

I hope you know I?m faded
All of this liquor I;m drinking
And if I?m taking this

The wrong way
I hope you know that
You can tell me whatever you?re thinking

It?s when you put me in the spotlight

When the moon hit your skin
I could see you and him
Not you and me
But it?s just you and me

When the sun shines above me
You wake up wit the one you love
Not you and me
But it?s just you and me

Sex with you is like
I?m dreaming
And I just wanna hear you
Scream again
Now you?re gone
I can?t believe that

I spent with you
Deceiving me
I don?t care if you believe in me
I still wonder why
You?re leaving me

I don?t care if you believe in me
I still wonder why
You tease me

I hope you know I?m faded
All of this liquor I;m drinking
And if I?m taking this
The wrong way
I hope you know that
You can tell me whatever you?re thinking

It?s when you put me in the spotlight

Marshmello x Lil Peep - Spotlight Songtext

Marshmello & Lil Peep - Spotlight Lied Marshmello / Lil Peep - Spotlight Lyrics Marshmello - Spotlight text

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