Maria Daines - Blue Text

Songtext zu Blue

Blue, the colour of my tears, blue, the flame of love
The heart that won't give up
Blue, the eyes I see in the picture in my head
Blue as blue can be, the cruel words we said

Black is the night, without you by my side
Clouds that won't fade, from the love we made
Blue in my soul, empty and cold
Black is the night, the goodbye fight

Blue, the dream that comes again
Blue, in the days that paint the hours with pain
Blue, the diamond cuts, the ring that won't be worn

Blue, the time is up, blue, the lightning storm

~ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~

What is this pain, pain that won't let go
Blue is all she knows, the hurt, the tears and oh...
Blue, the darkest love, she brings her sticks and stones
She gonna bring you down and down you're gonna go

Blue, the colour of my tears, blue, the flame of love
The heart that won't give up
Blue, the eyes I see in the picture in my head
Blue as blue can be, the cruel words we said

Black is the night, without you by my side
Clouds that won't fade from the love we made
Blue in my soul, empty and cold
Black is the night, the goodbye fight

What is this pain, pain that won't let go

Blue is all she knows, the hurt, the tears and oh...
Blue, the darkest love, she brings her sticks and stones
She gonna bring you down and down you're gonna go
Down you're gonna go, down you're gonna go
She brings her sticks and
Oh blue, oh blue, oh blue, oh blue
. . .

Maria Daines - Blue Songtext

zu Blue von Maria Daines - Blue Lyrics Maria Daines - Blue Lied Maria Daines - Blue Text Blue Maria Daines Blue Liedtext
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