Mando Diao - Stop the Train Text

Songtext zu Stop the Train

Last time down the crooked road
In the city where we were born
Time to bite the bullet
We can't take it anymore
Too much greed, too much hate
Pack your stuff, let's get away
Can't you see it's our fate
Wheels are turning, don't look back

Stop the train
We ain't never going back again
Stop the train

We ain't never going back again
We're never going back again

And I do what I want
What I want, what I do
What I want to do to you

And you do what you want
What you want, what you do
Tender, me and you
Come on now, come on now
You, me, on the run
Come on baby, let's move on

Stop the train
We ain't never going back again
Oh baby, stop
Stop the train

We ain't never going back again

We're never going back again
We're never going back again
We're never going back again
We're never going back again

Mando Diao - Stop the Train Songtext

zu Stop the Train von Mando Diao - Stop the Train Lyrics Mando Diao - Stop the Train Text Stop the Train Mando Diao Stop the Train Liedtext
Mando Diao Stop the Train Letra de Stop the Train com Mando Diao
Album: Stop the Train, Vol. 1 (2022)

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