Lil Yachty - ​paint THE sky Text

Songtext zu ​paint THE sky

[Verse 1]
So surreal
The vibes I feel
It must go on, oh, oh, oh
All for you

Fiending, falling, crawling, I'm stalling for your love
You got me drinking, smoking, I might, overdose on your love
Fiending, falling, crawling, I'm stalling for your love
You got me drinking, smoking, I might, overdose on your love

[Verse 2]

I need to chill
Emotionally scarred, I cannot feel
Am I not the one? Am I not the one?
Not the one, one for you?
You can keep it real
You get me high, you get me high, high
High enough to paint the sky for you
Everytime it's you and I, I feel revived
I would die for you

Fiending, falling, crawling, I'm stalling for your love
You got me drinking, smoking, I might, overdose on your love
Fiending, falling, crawling, I'm stalling for your lovе
You got me drinking, smoking, I might, overdose on your lovе

Overdose on your love

Lil Yachty - ​paint THE sky Songtext

zu ​paint THE sky von Lil Yachty - ​paint THE sky Lyrics Lil Yachty - ​paint THE sky Text ​paint THE sky Lil Yachty ​paint THE sky Liedtext
Lil Yachty ​paint THE sky Letra de ​paint THE sky com Lil Yachty
Album: Let’s Start Here. (2023)

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