Kodi Lee - Miracle Text

Songtext zu Miracle

You find it out
Just what this world is all about
You are dreaming in
And breathing out
'Cause everything
Is bound to change

The funny thing
You look around the gifts they bring
It can be leaving anything
'Cause sometimes I feel so strange
Everybody is changing their direction

Everyday is a miracle
Every hour wonderful
There is bright blue sky
(A bright blue sky)
Oh my my

When in doubt
Look up above the sun is out
There it is behind the clouds
Heaven without her doubts
With everybody changing their direction
Where everybody is talking loud

Everyday is a miracle
Every hour wonderful
Never wonder why
Oh my my
There is bright blue sky

Everyday is a miracle
Every hour magical never wonder why

'Cause I can see
Straight down the road
Its Better than
The ice poles
And I can tell
Most every heart
Its better when we fall apart
And I can here
My every dream
The antidote

And what it means

Everyday is a miracle (everyday for wonder)
Every hour wonderful (this is the end)
Your bright blue sky
Never wonder why
A bright blue sky
Oh my

Kodi Lee - Miracle Songtext

zu Miracle von Kodi Lee - Miracle Lyrics Kodi Lee - Miracle Text Miracle Kodi Lee Miracle Liedtext
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